The explosion of the number of children with gender dysphoria is well-known.1 Gender dysphoria expert, Miriam Grossman, MD. said “Over the past ten years, gender dysphoria has increased 5,000 per cent.”2 Many other medical professionals have made similar statements.
Medical intervention for gender dysphoria has skyrocketed right along with the explosion of the condition. Many of the affected children are being subjected to puberty blockers, transgender hormones, and even transsexual surgery–often without parental consent.3 Minnesota law has gone so far as to invite parents and children from other states to come for the debilitating and mutilating treatments they call “gender-affirming care” when it is illegal in their own states.
Not surprisingly, this rush to judgment for children identified with gender dysphoria to receive “gender affirming” medical interventions has caused substantial alarm
Dr. Hillary Cass, former president of Britian’s Royal College of Pediatrics, after an extensive study of “gender-affirming” medical practices, concluded: “There is no evidence that medical intervention benefits gender distressed young people.”4
If there is no evidence that medical interventions benefit people with gender dysphoria, why is gender dysphoria now so common, and why are medical interventions done so frequently? There are several reasons, of course, but the primary reason appears to be the influence of radical politics—as indicated by the following report:
In June, The New York Times reported that Health and Human Services (HHS) officials in 2022 lobbied the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to remove age minimums for gender transition procedures in new guidelines. “We are concerned that HHS officials, acting in their official capacity, inappropriately applied pressure for change to international pediatric medical standards,” Chairwoman Lisa McClain (R-MI) wrote Tuesday.
The influence of radical (Cultural Marxist) politics is the common thread that runs through gender affirming medical intervention for minors. This common thread was clearly stated by a man named Alexander L. when he explained his reason for making his gender transition from male to female. He says he did it because: “I bought into a lie, the lie that I could become a woman”5
Why are we being lied to about gender issues? It’s the same reason WPATH, considered the leading global scientific and medical authority on “gender medicine” for decades, dropped its age restrictions for transgender surgery; it’s the influence of radical politics. That is, it’s the influence of Cultural Marxism.
What is Cultural Marxism? It is recognized as the dominant worldview of the far left. It divides the world into two groups—“oppressors” (Western culture and whites) versus the “oppressed” (non-whites). Cultural Marxists are constantly seeking ways to cause division and animosity between these groups and other groups.
For example, Marxists have always recognized that both strong families and Christianity present major obstacles to their goal of world domination. Transgender ideology allows them to cause division and animosity within both their enemies at the same time. It causes deep divisions in families, and it promotes doctrines that undermine basic Christian beliefs. Transgender ideology causes major divisions within the Christian Church, and it requires the adoption of its own anti-family Marxist dogmas.
It’s no wonder that Cultural Marxists have spent huge amounts of money and effort promoting transgender lies. (Cultural Marxists believe that neither truth nor morality exist. They believe that scientific facts are “constructs” designed by white males to control everyone else. Consequently, scientific evidence is irrelevant and unwelcome to them.)
While there are extraordinarily rare cases of mental disorder gender dysphoria, the transgenderism currently raging through our culture is based on lies. Here are several of the biggest lies:
(1) Gender is a choice arbitrarily assigned at birth.
(2) There are an infinite number of genders.
(3) Children should choose which gender they wish to be.
(4) Changing our bodies to match our feelings is a fundamental right.
(5) Biological males who have transitioned to being female are not meaningfully different from a biological female.
All these statements are obvious lies. They are contrary to the facts of biology and to Genesis 1:27 which states:
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Cultural Marxists are not opposed to spreading lies. To them, anything, true or not, that promotes the revolution is good.
Because of the mindless acceptance of these horrific transgender lies, men are now allowed to compete in women’s sports. It is not by accident that this damaging and crazy practice corresponds with the indoctrination of our school children and all of society into radical transgender ideology. Using lies to promote their radical faith and achieve their objective fits right into the Marxist game plan.
Our children and others are obviously being taught a lie. There is no such thing as “gender reassignment.” Our gender is determined at the moment of conception. If the ovum is fertilized with a sperm cell that contains an “X” sex chromosome, the baby is a girl. If the sperm cell contains a “Y” chromosome, the baby is a boy. Every cell in this boy’s body is a male cell. Every brain cell in a boy baby is a male cell; every cell in a baby girl’s brain is a female cell. Extensive research has demonstrated that male brains are very different from female brains—not better, but different.
It's a fact of biology that no one can change his/her gender—no amount of transgender hormones and no amount of mutilating surgery will change this fact. People can impersonate the other gender, but they cannot become it.
Where are these preposterous lies being promoted? They are being promoted in numerous venues, and all of them are being indoctrinated into our children in our schools. (The godfather of Cultural Marxism, Antonio Gramsci, said that for the revolution to be successful, the Marxists would need to control education.) As a result of this Marxist control of education, as stated by gender dysphoria authority, Abigail Schrier, “Young people are soaking in radical [gender] ideology.”6
A shocking example of Minnesota students being indoctrinated into Marxist gender doctrines was described in a recent article in The Federalist written by Executive Editor Joy Pullman. Following are some excerpts from her article, “Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools”:
Specifically, the [Minnesota] rules will demand: “The teacher fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning environment where students are empowered to learn and contribute as their whole selves.”7 [Emphasis added.]
Virtually everyone agrees that all these new rules are doctrines of Cultural Marxism.
The article also states:
The state already was demanding that teachers, renewing licenses, demonstrate “cultural competency,” [adoption of all Neo-Marxist doctrines including affirmation of transgender ideology] which includes evidence of “self-reflection and discussion” of the state’s new ideologies.8 [Emphasis added.]
And what does it mean that teachers must “affirm” gender ideology? It means that teachers must promote the lies that (1) gender is a choice arbitrarily assigned at birth, (2) there are an infinite number of genders, (3) children should choose which gender they wish to be, (4) changing our bodies to match our feelings is a fundamental right, and (5) biological males who have transitioned to being female are not meaningfully different from a biological female. That is, all teachers in Minnesota public schools are required to teach all the doctrines of transgender ideology to their students, grades K-12 (as well as teaching the numerous other false doctrines that make up the new standards).
Some other states are making similar teaching licensing demands. Minnesota is just one example. This required indoctrination of our children into the false teachings of transgender ideology and all the other false doctrines of Cultural Marxism is the primary reason for the explosion of gender dysphoria and transfiguring transgender medical interventions. This is also the reason we do not see a similar explosion of gender dysphoria in middle-aged people – they have not been subjected to the same intense indoctrination.
Pullman argues that the decidedly anti-Christian nature of the new transgender and homosexuality licensing standards makes it impossible for Christians to teach in Minnesota public schools. She is correct about that conclusion, and there is more. The new Minnesota licensing standards require that Minnesota teachers adopt and teach 11 specific Marxist doctrines, all of which are false and all of which are anti-Christian. (See “Minnesota’s war on Christians,” June 8, 2024) The Minnesota teacher licensing standards board has transformed Minnesota schools into Marxist indoctrination centers.
How do we explain this reality that the transgender warriors will do this unimaginable and irreversible damage to our children and their education? Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO of the globalist World Economic Forum, explains the reason in his book: Covid -19 and the Great Reset.9 Here Schwab argues that because of the horrific pain and suffering people experienced in World War II, they were willing to make changes they otherwise would not have been willing to make, the implication being – that the more pain and suffering people experience, the more willing they are to make radical changes. This means, as the cultural Marxists often say, “It’s all about the revolution.”
What can we do? Abigail Schrier identified where we need to begin. After speaking to a group about the indoctrination of our children with transgender ideology, a member of her audience reported: “A mom I just spoke with said, ‘my ten-year-old daughter came home [from school] saying, ‘I am nonbinary. I am a transsexual, and I identify as a boy now.’ What shall I say to this mother?’” Abigail’s response was, “The moment you hear that, get your kids out of that school.”10
Parents of school-age children need to find out if their children are being taught that gender is a choice. In Minnesota public schools, teachers will be required to teach it. If parents determine that their children are being indoctrinated with transgender ideology and with the other doctrines of Cultural Marxism, they need to remove their children from that school as soon as possible. This is where we begin.
Gender Dysphoria is defined as distress due to a discrepancy between a person’s biological gender and the psychological/emotional experience of his/her gender.
Lost in Trans Nation, Miriam Grossman, MD, 2023
“The Cass Review,” Dr. Hilary Cass, April 10, 2024
“My Detransition Story: The dark truth behind gender dysphoria and transition regret,” YouTube Alexander L.
Abigail Shrier | Social Contagion and Gender Identity (, to Hillsdale College
Pullman, quoting from Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice
Covid-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, 2020
Abigail Shrier | Social Contagion and Gender Identity (, to Hillsdale College